The New nodepingpy Python Package

NodePing has offered a Python library over the years to support convenient usage with our API in your Python projects. Since our current Python package, nodeping-api, was released, Python 2 has become deprecated and Python 3 has made additions. While looking at using some of those additions and the deprecation of Python 2, we decided it would be better to rewrite a whole new package with an improved design instead of improving the old one. Some improvements include:

  • Using dataclasses where convenient for data being submitted to the API
  • Consistent design across the different modules
  • Changed docstrings to Google Style docstrings from Sphinx style
  • Typing used throughout the package

Like the nodeping-api package, nodepingpy provides feature parity with the NodePing API and can do the following, and more:

  • List, create, update, and delete checks
  • Manage contacts
  • Manage contact groups
  • Manage schedules
  • Get check results and uptime
  • Get notification information
  • Get probe information

You can get the code from our GitHub repository or install it from PyPi via pip. Examples are provided in the README as well as useful information provided by the docstrings that will be shown by your text editor’s completion menus.


To install nodepingpy, you can use the pip package manager:

python3 -m pip install nodepingpy


Below I will provide a few code snippets to demonstrate how you can use the nodepingpy package to manage your NodePing account via our API.

Get a list of failing checks:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pprint import pprint
from nodepingpy import checks

def main():
    """Get failing checks."""

    token = "my-secret-token"
    failing = checks.get_failing(token)


if __name__ == "__main__":

With the output from the API:

{'202306261809OGK26-HM723FI3': {'_id': '202306261809OGK26-HM723FI3',
                                'created': 1711487757004,
                                'customer_id': '202306261809OGK26',
                                'enable': 'active',
                                'firstdown': 1711487850335,
                                'interval': 1,
                                'label': 'Test Check',
                                'modified': 1711487833733,
                                'mute': False,
                                'parameters': {'sens': 2,
                                               'target': '',
                                               'threshold': 5},
                                'queue': 'txWlac7EdV',
                                'runlocations': False,
                                'state': 0,
                                'status': 'assigned',
                                'type': 'PING'}}

The following example will create an HTTP check targeted at ‘’:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pprint import pprint
from nodepingpy import checks
from nodepingpy.nptypes import checktypes

def main():
    """Create an HTTP check."""

    token = "my-secret-token"
    args = checktypes.HttpCheck(
        "", label="Check NodePing", interval=3, runlocations="nam"
    result = checks.create_check(token, args)


if __name__ == "__main__":

The check was created and I received this from the API as a response:

{'_id': '202306261809OGK26-FFLHP1UX',
 'autodiag': False,
 'change': 1711488209387,
 'created': 1711488209387,
 'customer_id': '202306261809OGK26',
 'dep': False,
 'enable': 'inactive',
 'homeloc': False,
 'interval': 3,
 'label': 'Check NodePing',
 'modified': 1711488209387,
 'mute': False,
 'parameters': {'follow': False,
                'ipv6': False,
                'sens': 2,
                'target': '',
                'threshold': 5},
 'public': False,
 'runlocations': ['nam'],
 'status': 'modified',
 'type': 'HTTP',
 'uuid': 'vo5r82j8-twkq-4553-8d0t-02wlfhlgy2x7'}

Lastly, an example of creating a contact on your account:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pprint import pprint
from nodepingpy import contacts

from nodepingpy import contacts

def main():
    """Create a NodePing account contact."""

    token = "my-secret-token"
    name = "Bob Alice"
    custrole = "edit"
    customerid = "202306261809OGK26"
    newaddresses = [
        {"address": "", "type": "email"},
        {"address": "5551238888", "type": "sms"},
    result = contacts.create(token, customerid, custrole, name, newaddresses)


if __name__ == "__main__":

And the response I received from the API:

 'addresses': {'0CCJ3QUK': {'accountsuppressall': False,
                            'address': '',
                            'type': 'email'},
               '0CIIIE7K': {'accountsuppressall': False,
                            'address': '5551238888',
                            'type': 'sms'}},
 'customer_id': '202306261809OGK26',
 'custrole': 'edit',
 'name': 'Bob Alice',
 'sdomain': '',
 'type': 'contact'}

This is only a small part of what the library can do, and the documentation is detailed to get you started on integrating NodePing into your Python project. Give it a try and see how you can improve your uptime monitoring in your Python projects. This code is free and available to download. We encourage pull requests for new features so if you make changes or have requests, feel free to share.

If you aren’t using NodePing yet, you can sign up for a free, 15-day trial and test out monitoring your services today and take advantage of our API in your own Python projects.

Monitoring Cron Jobs

NodePing makes monitoring your cron jobs easy with our PUSH checks. Each time your server runs a cron job, you can also have that cron job send results to NodePing to track successes and failures. Ensuring cron jobs are running properly is crucial to reliable operations. It is good to know if the cron jobs on your servers are running as you would expect, and receive alerts when they aren’t.

PUSH checks rely on basic HTTP POST requests to NodePing, which lets you submit data to give you insights into your systems. This method provides a lot of flexibility, since PUSH checks have the option to track numeric values.

Getting Started

To get started, I need to think about the cron jobs that are important to me so I can decide which cron jobs I want to monitor. Most commonly, I like to submit results with backups that I automate. I have a variety of options with how I can integrate my cron jobs for backups with NodePing PUSH monitors. For example:

  1. Insert the heartbeat into a script
  2. Use NodePing’s premade PUSH clients

First, I’m going to create the check for my cron job monitor. I set a label that is easy for me to recognize, set the check type to PUSH. I have a single field I will call “backups” with min/max values of 0 and I also set the check frequency to one day, since this is a daily backup. I set my min/max values to 0 since my backup program returns an exit code of 0 on successful backup, and anything else is some sort of failure. NodePing will see the 0 and mark the check as passing, or if my backup program returns something other than 0, NodePing will mark the check as failing and send me notifications.

After creating that check, I open the check drawer so I can see my ID for the check and Checktoken. I will be using this information in my cron job.

Insert the Heartbeat Into a Script

My first option is that I can add submitting results to an already existing script. I use a program such as curl, netcat, wget, or openssl to do my HTTP POST. I can either insert the one liner at the end of my script and have it POST the same data every time, or, if the job fails, I can write my script to submit a pass or fail value, which I am doing in my backup example using ‘curl’. Below is a snippet of my backup script called

#!/usr/bin/env sh

# do backup

# Use backup tool's exit codes to decide success/failure
complete=$(echo $?)

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"data\":{\"backups\":$complete}}" ''

In my curl command, I submitted the $complete variable’s value to NodePing. When I submit the value 0, the check is marked as passing by NodePing. However, if my backup utility exited with a code of 1, curl would submit that 1 to the NodePing PUSH check, and it would be marked as failing since I configured the check to pass only when the value is 0. This way, I will get a notification right away when a cron monitor fails or starts passes again. My cron job for my backup script runs every day at 1am:

0 1 * * * /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/

If you do not wish to use curl, you can use something like netcat, wget, or openssl:

With netcat-openbsd

BODY_LEN=$(echo -n “$BODY” | wc -c)

echo -ne “POST /v1?id=202306261809OGK26-3IQZJE0H&checktoken=OZS4N4G2-7A6U-4N86-8PV0-067F25B7TFHO HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nContent-Length: ${BODY_LEN}\r\n\r\n${BODY}” | nc -c 443

With openssl

BODY_LEN=$(echo -n "$BODY" | wc -c)

echo -ne "POST /v1?id=202306261809OGK26-3IQZJE0H&checktoken=OZS4N4G2-7A6U-4N86-8PV0-067F25B7TFHO HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nContent-Length: ${BODY_LEN}\r\n\r\n${BODY}" | openssl s_client -connect

And with wget

wget -q -O- --post-data "{\"data\": {\"backups\":$complete}}" ''

NodePing’s Premade PUSH Clients

On GitHub, NodePing provides a repository with premade clients and modules to get started. NodePing currently provides POSIX shell, Python, and PowerShell client scripts. The premade client gives me the option to create my own module and export the data without having to worry about how to write the HTTP POST part. This means I can submit results, like above, by modifying an existing script to work as a PUSH module. I will create a module with the POSIX client, and modify my script to work with the client.

Configuring the Client

I visited the GitHub page to download a zip file or I can use git to fetch the code directly using the following command:

$ git clone

I then made a copy of the POSIX client. A convention I tend to follow is to create a folder named something like “backup_cron_job_202306261809OGK26-3IQZJE0H” where the name is the label of the PUSH check in NodePing and the check ID that is generated when the check is created.

I created the folders and copied the contents of the POSIX client with these commands:

$ mkdir -p push_clients/backup_cron_job_202306261809OGK26-3IQZJE0H
$ cd push_clients/backup_cron_job_202306261809OGK26-3IQZJE0H
$ cp -r ~/PUSH_Clients/POSIX/NodePingPUSHClient/* ./

The contents are now in the backup_cron_job folder. In the modules folder I created a folder and file called “backups”

~/../backup_cron_job_202306261809OGK26-3IQZJE0H $ mkdir modules/backups
~/../backup_cron_job_202306261809OGK26-3IQZJE0H $ touch modules/backups/

The script would contain this snippet:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

# do backup

# Use backup tool's exit codes to decide success/failure
complete=$(echo $?)

echo "{\"backups\":$complete}"

The client will handle submitting this result for you. In the moduleconfig file, I removed the default contents and added backups to the file

I added my checkid and checktoken to file

Lastly, I made the script and my backups/ script executable. When I run the script, it will run my backup, then submit a success or failure to NodePing. After making sure it worked right, I added the client to my crontab to run my backup at 1am, just as before, but using the PUSH client

0 1 * * * /bin/sh /home/backupuser/push_clients/backup_cron_job_202306261809OGK26-3IQZJE0H/ -l

I added the -l to the end of my cron job to let the client log the successes and failures locally as well.


There is a lot of flexibility with NodePing’s PUSH checks that allows me to monitor my cron jobs. I showed you how I can insert an HTTP POST request into my existing scripts that I run via cron, or I can use the NodePing PUSH clients (or write my own in another language if I chose). Cron job monitoring is possible with any language too, and is not limited to shell scripts. PUSH checks are a very versatile tool NodePing offers, and it can go far beyond monitoring cron jobs.

If you don’t yet have a NodePing account, feel free to try out our 15-day, free trial and get started, having the assurance that your cron jobs are running, and get notified when they are not.

Integrate NodePing Alerts with Matrix

In this post, I will show you how you can get NodePing webhook alerts integrated with a Matrix server. In this demonstration, I will be focusing on the matrix-synapse server and Element client, namely, Element’s hosted web client for configuring Matrix to receive NodePing alerts. Matrix comes with some SDKs that can be used to more programmatically handle events and create bots, but I want to provide an option that doesn’t take much effort to set up.

To get started, I created a new account on my home server. This account will be the one that is receiving the webhooks and sending messages to the room. Think of it as a bot, and not a user to use on the daily. I followed the instructions from the synapse documentation to create a new user. For security purposes, I run a home server with registration disabled. I chose the alternate method of running `register_new_matrix_user` to create the new user, that way I did not have to enable registration on my server.

Now that I have the new user created, I signed into Element with the account I created and proceeded to create a private room.

I made the room invite only, and left end-to-end encryption enabled, though end-to-end encryption is optional. After the room is created, I invited the users to the group that I wanted to receive the alerts.

Creating the Webhook Contact

Now that I have my notifications user in place and users invited to the room, it is time to integrate Matrix with NodePing. I need 2 pieces of information:

  1. The room ID
  2. The “bot” user’s access token

Getting the Room ID

The Room ID is created when the room was created. I need to go to the settings menu for that room to get the ID. First, I click on the room’s 3-dot button so I can go to settings

Then, I go to Advanced to get the Internal room ID

Next, I need to get the Access Token for my user. This is a secret token you do not want to share with anyone. However, it will be used as part of my webhook contact. I went to the quick settings menu for my user that will be sending the NodePing alerts and selected “More options”:

I went to the Help & About menu and scrolled down to the bottom to get to the Access Token section. I copied the access token out. I also made note of the Homeserver mentioned below in the Advanced section. The Homeserver, Access Token, and Room ID are going to be needed in the next step to create the webhook.

Creating the Contact

Next, I signed into my NodePing account and selected Contacts, and Add new contact:

I gave my contact a name. Then I clicked the dropdown menu and selected Webhook. That shows another dropdown for Preset Services. I chose Matrix and clicked Apply Template. The default URL should be something like: encoded internal room id]/send/

I am not using the default home server, so I changed that. However, if you are using the default home server, keep Next I need to replace [your encoded internal room id] with the Room ID. The Room ID needs to be URI encoded. The “!” needs to be changed to “%21” and the “:” to “%3A”, like below


The final URL will look something like this:

Next I went to the Headers tab. There is a value with [YOUR AUTH HERE] in the Authorization header that needs to be replaced with the access token. I pasted in my access token. I kept the Body as the default. With the homeserver correctly set, the room ID in the POST URL, and the Authorization header set, I saved the check.

I created a check that I knew would fail intentionally and assigned the Matrix contact to the check and let it fail so I could get the alert and ensure it is working properly.

This confirms that the contact works, and now I can start assigning this contact method to my checks.

Some Useful Uses

Using with Notification Profiles

One thing I like to do is have two identical contact methods, but in one I add “IMPORTANT” to the body like below

{"body": "NodePing IMPORTANT: – {label}: {type} is {event}","msgtype": "m.text"}

This lets me do some tricks with notification schedules and notification sounds in Element. Maybe for some checks, I want to get notifications all the time, but I do not want the sound alert on my phone at certain times of the day. On my checks I have my Matrix contact that does not have “IMPORTANT” in the message send a notification all the time. However, the one that has “IMPORTANT” in the message will send on a certain schedule. In the Notifications settings on Element I created a keyword “IMPORTANT”, and then on the room I set notifications to only happen with Mentions & Keywords. That way, the messages sending all the time will not send an audible notification, but the messages with “IMPORTANT” will send me an audible notification.

Communicating About Incidents

With the Threads feature, when there is an incident, I can start a thread on that notification and communicate with the team about that incident, or I can make comments on the incident for future reference. This allows for convenient communication about an incident while not spamming the timeline where alerts are being displayed.

If you need help getting things working right, please let us know at  If you don’t yet have a NodePing account, please sign up for our free 15-day trial.

Monitoring Cached Websites

Websites that use CDN or caching services like Cloudflare or Amazon Cloudfront can be a little tricky to monitor. You need to make sure all the regular website stuff is working along with additional monitoring for the backend web server and the caching service itself.

NodePing has you covered on both ends: the regular website monitoring and some powerful features specifically for monitoring CDN websites.

The Basics

When someone wants to connect to your website, there are 4 things that have to be working correctly:

  1. DNS
  2. Routing
  3. SSL
  4. Web Server response


If your DNS servers aren’t available, your visitor’s browser won’t be able to translate the FQDN in the URL to a routable IP address so monitoring each of your nameservers is vital to website availability.

Create a DNS check for each nameserver and be sure the query for your FQDN is being answered.


Now that the browser has the IP address of a web server, it needs to be able to reach out across the interwebs and request content. Incorrect routing and packet loss can make your website unreachable.

Use our PING and MTR checks to ensure that routing is working and that there is no packet loss.

We often get questions from site owners when the monitoring says their site is failing, but they can get to it fine from their device. Upstream connectivity issues are often the reason, and having the PING or MTR check in place and running from different geographical regions can help identify those troubles quickly.


Visitors expect websites to use industry best-practices for security, including transport encryption using TLS/SSL. You don’t want them to see that embarrassing “Unsafe” warning when they hit your website because your SSL certs are expired or incorrectly configured.

Create an SSL check to warn you before the cert expires.

Web Server Response

If everything mentioned above is firing on all cylinders, the web server will respond to the visitor’s request and reply with the expected content.

Using NodePing HTTP Content checks, you can verify that the web server is returning the expected HTTP response code and content.

With the basics of website monitoring nailed down, there’s a couple of additional challenges that caching services create that need special monitoring.

Monitor the Back-end Server

If your back-end server isn’t functioning, your CDN or caching service will continue to respond normally, at least for a while. But you’ll want to know right away if that back-end server is offline. You won’t be able to monitor that back-end server using the regular FQDN in the URL because it points to the caching service, not your back-end server.

NodePing can monitor a back-end server using an IP in the URL. The IP address can be either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address.


Example: https://%5Bfe80::ec4:7aff:fe06:c186]/index.html

Note: When using IPv6, use square brackets around the IPv6 address.

To get the SSL to respond properly, use an HTTP Advanced check and send a special request header of “Hostname” set to the FQDN of the website.

Example: “Hostname” “”


To make sure the caching service or CDN is able to communicate properly with your back-end server, you need to send an HTTP request to the service with a URL it hasn’t cached. That will force the service to talk with your back-end server to get fresh content. To do that, it has to be a different URL each time it’s monitored. This is called cache-busting.

NodePing has a cool cache-busting feature on the HTTP Advanced check that will slightly change the URL each time it monitors so that it always causes the caching service to talk with your back-end server.

To use cache-busting, modify the URL query string. Add a non-essential element with the value of “{{now}}”. NodePing will replace that value with a millisecond timestamp each time the check is run.

Example URL:{{now}}

When the URL is run, it will look like:

Each time it is run, the value will be different:

Since each URL is unique each time, there will be no cached entry and the caching service will hit your back-end server on each check run. If the service isn’t able to reach your back-end server, it should return a 522 error or something similar, which will make the NodePing check fail and alert you to the issue.

Website Monitoring

Using a CDN or caching service with your website can speed things up but it can also make things break in ways that basic website monitoring may miss. NodePing’s features allow you to ensure that your back-end web server is up and running and that your caching service is operating as expected.

If you don’t yet have a NodePing account, please avail yourself to our 15-day, free trial. You’ll see why those who know, use NodePing.

Monitoring the Server Room with NodePing – Part 3: Temperatures

In Part 2, I configured my Raspberry Pi to monitor temperature, humidity, and pressure with the Sense Hat. When I encountered issues with the Sense Hat needing weird tricks to properly measure temperature, I looked for alternative sensors. I found the DHT22/AM2302 sensors on Amazon to try out. I’ve noticed with some of these DHT22 sensors that you need to add an extra resistor along the way to the Pi’s GPIO pins. I like this one in particular because the resistor is integrated already. I grabbed my Pi from my server room and took it back home to configure it.

The DHT22 Sensor

I won’t go much into detail on this sensor, but I found that compared to the other common DHT11 sensor, this one is most ideal because it has better accuracy and can be had for a similar price. So, I went with the DHT22 sensor. My package contained 2 DHT22 sensors, and six different colored cables. I wound up with orange, red, and brown cables. I connected the orange cable to power, red to data, and brown to ground. Below you can see how I connected the sensor to my Pi’s pinout. When looking at Raspberry Pi’s documentation, I connected orange to pin 2 (5V), red to pin 7 (GPIO 4), and brown to 9 (ground). If you intend on connecting the sensor to different GPIO pins, there will be some tweaking of the module needed on your part later.

The Software

I needed to install only a single piece of software to get this to work, in addition to a Python library. The software and Adafruit’s DHT Python library which I installed this way:

python3 -m pip install adafruit-circuitpython-dht
sudo apt-get install libgpiod2

User Setup

As in Part 2, I had to add my user to some groups to get my module working so I could collect temperatures and humidity:

$ usermod -aG video input gpio i2c pi

Creating the PUSH Check

Before I can start submitting metrics to NodePing, I first need to create the check for me to submit results to. The check looks like this:

Below in the Fields section, the names should be:

  1. pidht22.temperature
  2. pidht22.humidity

Adjust the min/max values accordingly to what you consider a safe temperature and humidity. NodePing provides a DHT22 module for PUSH checks to work with the Raspberry Pi called “pidht22”. Since the DHT22 sensor does not have a neat LED array like the Sense Hat I used, it will only submit values to NodePing, and not do any of the cool LED displaying of information. If that is something you want, I suggest following our Part 2 guide with the Sense Hat.

Configuring the Client

Now that the check is created, I moved on to installing the PUSH client software on the Pi. To get the PUSH clients code, I can visit the GitHub page to download a zip file or I can use git to fetch the code directly using the following command:

$ git clone

From here, I made a copy of the Python3 client. A convention I tend to follow is to create a folder named something like “server_room_dht22-202306261809OGK26-QLJGGVM1” where name is the label of the PUSH check in NodePing, and the check ID that is generated when you create that check in the NodePing web interface.

I created those folders using the command:

$ mkdir -p push-clients/dht22PUSH-202306261809OGK26-QLJGGVM1

You can call your folder whatever you want. I use this so I can easily find the right PUSH check in NodePing that corresponds to this PUSH client.

I will be using the pidht22 module to monitor my server room environment.

I copied the Python3 client code into the directory I made and cd’3d into that directory for easier editing:

$ cp -r PUSH_Clients/Python3/NodePingPython3PUSH/* push-clients/server_room_dht22-202306261809OGK26-QLJGGVM1/
$ cd push-clients/server_room_dht22-202306261809OGK26-QLJGGVM1/

To make the PUSH check work, I have to edit 2 files:

  1. config.ini
  2. metrics/pidht22/

At the end of config.ini, there is a modules section. It should contain this information:

pidht22 = yes

You also want to include your check ID and checktoken in the server section:

Next is the file for the module. This file has two variables:

  1. UNIT – set to “F” for Fahrenheit or “C” for Celsius
  2. PIN – The GPIO pin to use for data (if you follow this guide and connect to the same pins I did, you don’t have to change this variable)

The client should be configured now. I will now test it by running:

python3 --showdata

This will let me see the data that would be sent to NodePing without actually sending it. This is just for testing and is a good way to make sure I edited those files correctly without impacting any uptime stats for the check in NodePing.

Lastly, I need to set up cron to run my PUSH client on a regular interval. I want this one to run every minute, so the cron line will look like the one below. To edit my cron tab, I run crontab -e and add the following entry:

* * * * * python3 /home/pi/push-clients/server_room_dht22-202306261809OGK26-QLJGGVM1/

Now my check is running every minute and submitting my server room climate info to NodePing. This will allow me to track temperatures and humidity in the server room and notify me if the room is too hot/cold, humid/dry.

Ready to Roll

With the new sensor tested and running properly with NodePing’s PUSH checks, I gave it some days to trial run at home before I brought it back to my networking room to monitor temperatures and humidity.

Testing atop the home server

One thing I have noticed with this DHT22 sensor is how steady temperature reporting is. Since I had to calibrate my check for the Sense Hat to account for CPU temperatures, the temperatures were always within +/- 3 degrees of the actual temperature. With this DHT22 sensor, since I have the sensor away from the Pi, the temperature reporting is more steady and makes for cleaner looking results. You can even see from the graph where the humidity dropped when I opened my window, as well as when I had stopped submitting results during testing.


In the end, I found the DHT22 sensor to be a better choice for temperature monitoring . The price is lower and the results are more reliable, and I don’t have to worry about the processor on the Pi messing with the sensor. Additionally, I can use any case I choose and have access to the rest of the GPIO pins if I choose to add more to the Pi.

If you find this to be useful to you and want to try this configuration for yourself you can find all the code needed on the NodePing github. If you don’t yet have a NodePing account, please sign up for our free, 15-day trial.

Probe Server Change [FR]

The following probe server will be changing IP addresses on 2023-09-13

Paris, France (FR) – FR will change from / 2001:bc8:2327:110::10
to / 2001:bc8:2327:101::10

Please adjust your firewalls appropriately if you whitelist so your checks do not fail because of the probe IP address changes.

An always current and updated list of all the IP addresses for our probe servers can be found in the FAQ, a text file, and via DNS query,

[UPDATE – 2023-09-13 11:11GMT-7] – IP change complete.

Beyond “Is It Up?” – Website Monitoring should be Comprehensive

When it comes to monitoring websites, the question most often asked is, “Is the site up?” While this is certainly an essential aspect, the answer hardly paints the whole picture. True website monitoring involves a plethora of factors that can affect the user experience and performance. These factors can often be hidden, and your user’s experience of you site might not be the same as what you are seeing from your network. With NodePing’s suite of tools, you have the ability to dig deep and understand the vital aspects of your website’s functionality. Let’s explore these considerations.

DNS Monitoring

Domain Name System (DNS) is the backbone of internet navigation, converting human-friendly URLs into IP addresses. Monitoring DNS health is crucial as an unresponsive DNS can render your site unreachable. Problems with DNS can be hidden by caching, and we are often asked why we are notifying about a site that seems to be working from the owner’s perspective. The answer is often that the site owner’s browser or DNS caching is making the site appear to be working when in fact for people who haven’t been on the site recently it appears to be offline because of DNS problems. NodePing offers robust DNS checks to ensure that your DNS servers are resolving correctly.

Monitoring Status Codes

Like with DNS, just checking with a browser can also miss situations in which the web server is actually responding with an error because the modern browsers try to show the page if they can. We often get messages from customers who’s website appears to be working but is actually returning status codes that indicate errors on the site. Even if the site looks right in your browser at the moment, you need to know if it is returning a status code in the 500 range indicating the server is throwing an error. Many content management systems or frameworks also return a visible page with a 404 Not Found status. NodePing’s HTTP checks watch for status code problems with your site.

Similarly, it is important to know if your site is properly following redirects. On some checks, you want the monitoring to follow the redirect to ensure that is getting the final page, and that page is responding with a 200 status code. You may also want to test specific URL’s for the 302 response as well. NodePing’s HTTP Advanced check allows you to ensure that a URL is returning a specific redirect response code.

SSL Certificate Validation

SSL certificates encrypt data transferred between users and your servers. Monitoring and receiving warnings about certificate expirations help you maintain trust and protect sensitive user information. Many of our check types include SSL validation, and and there is also a specialized SSL check that warns you if a certificate has a problem, as well as notifying you that your certificate will expire in a certain number of days. With NodePing, stay ahead with timely reminders and validations.

Domain Registration Expiration and the WHOIS Check

Keep track of your domain registration status with NodePing’s WHOIS checks. Understanding the ownership and registration details ensures that you stay in control of your domain and can prevent unexpected downtime.

Monitoring Other Services on the Host

If your website relies on additional services like databases or caching servers, monitoring them alongside the main site is essential. Integrating these checks into your monitoring strategy ensures that all parts of your site are functioning seamlessly.

CDN & Proxy Consideration

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) and proxies enhance site performance but can complicate monitoring. By monitoring the back-end site directly, NodePing allows you to quickly pinpoint whether the issue lies with the CDN, helping you react quickly to any problems.

Tying It Together

Every notification your receive from your monitoring system should be actionable. Otherwise it becomes noise, and you either waste time or start ignoring alerts and miss important events. It is important to monitor every aspect of your site, but you don’t necessarily want ten notifications when the site is down. NodePing allows you to set a check as being dependent on another check, so you won’t get a stack of notifications if the dependent checks fail together.

Automated Diagnostics

NodePing’s has both on demand and automated diagnostics tools that provide extra insights when your site is down, supplying valuable information to help troubleshoot and resolve issues more efficiently.


Monitoring a website involves much more than merely checking if it’s up. With tools like NodePing, you can dive into a multitude of factors that contribute to your site’s performance and reliability. By understanding and keeping tabs on DNS, redirects, SSL certificates, domain registration, host services, CDN considerations, and more, you ensure a smooth user experience and robust site functionality.

At NodePing, we’re committed to helping you monitor your website from all angles. Get in touch with us to learn how you can take your website monitoring to the next level. If you don’t have an account yet, give it a try with our 15-day, free trial.

Monitoring the Server Room with NodePing – Part 2: Sense HAT

In Part 1, I talked about getting started with monitoring my server room with NodePing’s PUSH and AGENT checks and the Raspberry Pi. On my continued path of server room monitoring I wanted to look into environment monitoring with the Raspberry Pi and NodePing’s PUSH checks. To follow up, I sourced a Sense Hat so I could bring a simple way to monitor my climate and get alerts on the metrics with NodePing. The Sense Hat has the capability of monitoring temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure. In this post, I will look at how you can integrate the Sense Hat into server room monitoring, configure notifications, and the pros and cons I found when testing the Sense Hat.

The Hardware

To start, the Sense Hat has to be installed. My Sense Hat came with some extra screws and standoffs, as well as a GPIO riser. I’ll use them and a compatible case to secure my Raspberry Pi and Sense Hat. Once the pieces were assembled together, I installed Raspberry Pi OS to a microSD card. The easiest way is to use the Raspberry Pi Imager like in the previous blog post. I put the formatted microSD card in the Pi and connect Ethernet and power.

The Software

There is only one extra dependency that I needed, and it may even be installed on your Raspberry Pi already. To be sure, I installed it with this command:

$ sudo apt install sense-hat

That is all that is needed in addition to what is in the base installation of Raspberry Pi OS.

Creating the PUSH Check

To start using the Sense HAT metrics with NodePing, I signed into NodePing and created a PUSH check. The check looks like this:

Below in the Fields section, the names should be:

  1. pisensehat.temp
  2. pisensehat.humidity
  3. pisensehat.pressure

Adjust the min/max values accordingly to what you consider a safe temperature. NodePing provides a Sense Hat Python 3 module for PUSH checks to monitor temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure called “pisensehat”. Not only will it submit the values to NodePing, but it also takes advantage of the Sense HAT’s LED array and will display basic environmental information so you can visually see the temp/humidity/pressure on the display.

User Setup

Out of the box, the first user I made belonged to the right groups to use the Sense Hat. However, I wanted to use a different user to run my PUSH client, so I ran this usermod command to add the pi user to the necessary groups to work with the Sense Hat:

$ usermod -aG video input gpio i2c pi

Configuring the Client

Now that the check is created, I moved on to installing the PUSH client software on the Pi. To get the PUSH clients code, I can visit the GitHub page to download a zip file or I can use git to fetch the code directly using the following command:

$ git clone

From here, I made a copy of the Python3 client. A convention I tend to follow is to create a folder named something like “server_room_climate_202306261808OGK26-JEZ6ENNW” where name is the label of the PUSH check in NodePing, and the check ID that is generated when you create that check in the NodePing web interface.

I created those folders using the command:

$ mkdir -p push-clients/server_room_climate_202306261809OGK26-09S996LV

You can call your folder whatever you want. I use this so I can easily find the right PUSH check in NodePing that corresponds to this PUSH client.

I will be using the pisensehat module to monitor my server room environment. The pisensehat module does a bunch of different things. It:

  1. Collects temperature, humidity, and pressure values
  2. Formats the data to send to NodePing
  3. Lets you control the LED array
    • Turn it on/off
    • Rotate the LED array
    • Shows the status of your configured ranges for temperature(T), humidity(H), and air pressure(P):
      • Red = higher than the safe configured range
      • Green = within the safe configured range
      • Blue = lower than the safe configured range

I copied the Python3 client code into the directory I made and cd’d into that directory for easier editing:

$ cp -r PUSH_Clients/Python3/NodePingPython3PUSH/* push-clients/server_room_climate_202306261809OGK26-09S996LV/
$ cd push-clients/server_room_climate_202306261809OGK26-09S996LV/

To make the PUSH check work, I have to edit 2 files:

  1. config.ini
  2. metrics/pisensehat/

At the end of config.ini, there is a modules section. It should contain this information:

pisensehat = yes

You also want to include your check ID and checktoken in the server section

Next is the file for the module. Configure this to your own needs. Mine contains this information:

# True if you want to output colors to LED array

# Rotate 0,90,180,270 degrees to change orientation of LED array

# C for Celsius or F for Fahrenheit
# Colors status
# The SenseHat temp is off by a little but can be corrected
# to compensate for the CPU temp contributing some heat



Important information of note:

  • If you want the LED array to show you info, set this to True
  • If the LED output is upside down you can change its rotation by modifying LED_ROTATION
  • If you are submitting temps in Celsius, set UNIT="C"
  • The min/max for TEMP, HUM, and PRESSURE should match what was entered when you created the PUSH check on NodePing. These values will determine the color output on the LED display
  • I will talk more about TEMP_CALIBRATION later

The client should be configured now. I will now test it by running:

python3 --showdata

This will let me see the data that would be sent to NodePing without actually sending it. This is just for testing and is a good way to make sure I edited those files correctly without impacting any uptime stats for the check in NodePing.

Lastly, I need to set up cron to run my PUSH client on a regular interval. I want this one to run every minute, so the cron line will look like the one below. To edit my cron tab, I run crontab -e and add the following entry:

* * * * * python3 /home/pi/push-clients/server_room_climate_202306261809OGK26-09S996LV/

Now my check is running every minute and submitting my server room climate info to NodePing. This will allow me to track temperatures and humidity in the server room and notify me if the room is too hot/cold, humid/dry, and if the air pressure is too high/low.


While creating the pisensehat module for Python3, I noticed an odd problem with the Sense Hat that turns out to be a well known issue. The temperature sensor on the Sense Hat will change with the temperature of the processor. So if for example, you have a load average of 0.0 on the Raspberry Pi, the temperatures may be just 5 to 10F hotter than the actual ambient air. However, if the load goes up, the processor heats up and the temperature sensor will read much hotter. This will result in inaccurate readings for the room.

To best offset the temperature problem, I included a TEMP_CALIBRATION number in the file. This is a best-effort method of calibrating the sensor to work with the current room temperature and account for the heat produced by the Pi’s processor. In my testing while running the NodePing AGENT and the pisensehat PUSH check, setting the value to 1.0 was relatively consistent with my other thermometers. The number could be different for you, and it is important to know that if your Pi’s load increases, so will your reported temperatures.

I have tried another sensor to work around the temperature issue with the Sense Hat, but I will save that for Part 3.

Another Issue

Another issue I came across in my Sense Hat testing was with the pressure sensor. The very first reading after boot seemed to report back a 0 no matter what. To fix this issue, the module reads from the pressure sensor two times to ensure it does not get and submit a 0.

Pi in the Wild

I have the Pi ready to go now. I took it to one of my networking rooms so I could monitor the environment in there. This room isn’t in any sort of datacenter so the conditions are more harsh with limited temperature and humidity regulation. The Raspberry Pi is perfect for this location so I can know if the air conditioning goes off, or if the humidity gets too low in the drier winter climate.

I connected the Pi to the switch and power and not long after starting up, the cron job started checking the environment and showed all green on the LED array. Success!

With the Raspberry Pi in place and monitoring my server room, I not only get the power of NodePing PUSH checks running on the Pi, but I also have an AGENT running to do some additional internal monitoring, as well as monitoring outbound connectivity.

If the temperature, humidity, or pressure fall outside of my configured ranges, I will be promptly alerted of the issue with the notifications I configured for the PUSH check. Additionally, if I am on premise, I can view the LED display to see if any of those environmental metrics is too high or low.

Check Status Reports

I like to have a visual graph of my environmental status so I created a status report page to get a visual representation in my browser of the environmental info from my check.

Now I have a live graph I can use to watch what is happening in my server room at this moment and over the last few hours. This is helpful for me to watch trends in my temperature, for example.

More to Come

Thanks to its versatility and availability of software packages, there is a lot that I can do with the Raspberry Pi to monitor my services and my surroundings. In Part 3, I will swap out the Sense Hat for a DHT22 sensor for monitoring instead of the Sense Hat to see if I can get better temperature readings without relying on mathematically offset values.

If you don’t yet have a NodePing account, please sign up for our free, 15-day trial.

SMTP Monitoring with NodePing

In the world of email communication, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) plays a crucial role in ensuring the seamless delivery of messages. However, like any other technology, SMTP is not immune to issues that can disrupt email flow and affect business operations. To maintain a healthy and reliable email infrastructure, it is essential to monitor SMTP servers continuously. In this blog post, we will explore how NodePing can be used to monitor for SMTP functionality, packet loss, blacklisting, deferred queues, and MX/SPF records.

NodePing is a versatile and powerful server monitoring service that allows businesses to monitor their infrastructure’s performance and uptime. With its extensive range of monitoring checks, NodePing provides an excellent solution for monitoring SMTP servers and ensuring they are operating optimally.

Monitoring SMTP Functionality

Verifying the functionality of your incoming SMTP server is crucial to ensure that it can receive emails without any hiccups. NodePing’s SMTP check allows you to periodically test your SMTP server by trying to send a test email to a designated email address. If the test email is accepted, it indicates that your SMTP server is functioning correctly. In case of failures, like timeouts or server errors, NodePing will promptly alert you, enabling you to troubleshoot and rectify the issues.

Monitoring Packet Loss

Packet loss can severely impact the performance of your SMTP server and lead to email delivery delays or failures. NodePing’s ICMP PING check is a valuable tool to monitor packet loss and routing issues to to your SMTP server. By regularly performing ping tests, you can assess packet loss trends and determine whether network-related issues are affecting your email delivery. If a failure is seen, NodePing automated diagnostics will send you MTR results so you can quickly troubleshoot where the issue originates. Addressing packet loss problems promptly will lead to a smoother email experience for your users.

Monitoring SMTP Blacklisting

Blacklisting can be detrimental to email delivery, as it prevents messages from reaching their intended recipients. NodePing’s RBL check allows you to monitor your SMTP server’s IP addresses against popular DNS-based blacklists (RBLs) such as Spamhaus and Barracuda. By configuring blacklisting checks at regular intervals, you can quickly identify if your server’s IP addresses have been blacklisted, enabling you to take immediate action to resolve the issue and maintain a good sender reputation.

Monitoring Deferred Queues

When your SMTP server is unable to deliver emails to the recipient’s mailbox immediately, it sits in the deferred queue. If emails in your deferred queues are piling up, you likely have a delivery issue. NodePing’s PUSH check can watch your deferred queues and send you notifications if they rise above what you’re comfortable with; allowing you to investigate and resolve the underlying problems before they escalate.

Monitoring MX Records

MX (Mail Exchange) DNS records play a crucial role in email delivery by specifying the mail servers responsible for receiving emails for a domain. NodePing’s DNS check allows you to monitor the MX records of your domain to ensure they are correctly configured and that your DNS servers are responding with those records properly. Regular checks of MX records help you keep incoming mail flowing.

Monitoring SPF Record

Your SPF record is actually a TXT DNS record that specifies which servers are allowed to send email from your domain. If that record is missing, compromised, or your DNS servers aren’t responding, sending email may be blocked or delayed. NodePing’s DNS check will make sure your SPF record is available and hasn’t been hacked. That will keep your outgoing mail flowing.

In conclusion, email monitoring is essential to ensure the reliability and efficiency of your message communications. NodePing provides a comprehensive suite of checks that empower you to monitor for blacklisting, SMTP functionality, packet loss, deferred queues, along with MX and SPF records. By leveraging NodePing’s monitoring capabilities, you can proactively identify and address issues affecting your SMTP server’s availability and performance, leading to better email deliverability and improved customer satisfaction.

Remember, a robust email infrastructure is the backbone of modern businesses, and investing in reliable monitoring tools like NodePing with automated diagnostics is a step towards a smoother and more efficient communication system.

Start monitoring your SMTP servers with NodePing today by signing up for our free, 15-day trial and stay one step ahead of any potential email delivery challenges!

Leveraging NodePing’s Web Monitoring for Optimal Website Uptime

Hello, NodePing community and all those striving for flawless website uptime!

In this digital age, achieving uninterrupted website availability is paramount. At NodePing, we provide the tools you need to ensure your website doesn’t just exist—it thrives. This blog post will dive into our range of HTTP-oriented server monitoring checks and how they can address real-world tech business needs.

1. HTTP Check: Your Go-To for Website Availability Monitoring

Our HTTP Check provides a reliable pulse on your website’s status. It connects to your site at regular intervals, confirming that it’s up and responding with a 200 status code within the defined timeframe.

Use case: Online retailers understand the importance of 24/7 website availability. With our HTTP Check, you get an early warning of any potential outages, allowing you to promptly address issues and maintain a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

2. HTTP Content Check: More than Just a Pulse

Our HTTP Content Check takes things a step further by examining the actual content of your site’s response. In addition to checking if your site is up, this check looks for specific content within the response, based on a string or regular expression you provide. It can also make a negative match, making sure that a specific string or regular expression match does not exist on the page. This is great for looking for database errors appearing on the page, for example.

Use case: If you are monitoring a WordPress or other CMS site, you may need to verify that the site is showing specific content on the page, and not just responding with a “No Posts” message.

3. HTTP Advanced Check: Comprehensive Website Monitoring

The HTTP Advanced Check allows for full customization of your website monitoring needs. It’s the perfect tool for comprehensive server monitoring, from request methods and response headers to posted fields and data.

Use case: Tech start-ups with complex SaaS products can benefit from the HTTP Advanced Check. This tool can ensure all components of your site, including complex forms or API endpoints, are functioning as intended.

Leveraging the Suite of Monitoring Tools

One of the big strengths of Nodeping’s monitoring services is how they can all work together to make sure all the pieces are working. NodePing’s checks are designed to work in harmony. If you’re responsible for a web site, it is important to know if the DNS is working properly as well. You might also want to monitor the health and expiration date of your SSL certificates on your sites. And you can use our automated diagnostics to put information about why services are failing their checks directly in your inbox. For example, this can include an MTR to help diagnose when your web host is having connectivity problems. A layered approach provides the most comprehensive picture of your website’s health.

At NodePing, we understand that every website is different, and that’s why we’ve designed a range of checks to meet all kinds of needs. From small blogs to complex e-commerce platforms, our checks can help you ensure your site stays up and running.

So why wait? Dive into our documentation, explore our checks, and make sure your website’s heartbeat is as steady as ever. We also have a free trial 15 day trial. And remember, we’re here to help. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to get in touch!